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Version: 1.0

wash par

wash par gives a user the capacity to interact with provider archives. A user may create, inspect or modify provider archive files. Following are the subcommands available under wash par.

  • create
  • inspect
  • insert


This subcommand creates a provider archive using an architecture target, provider and signing keys. A user will have to provide the capability ID, vendor, name of provider, target architecture and path to provider binary for populating the archive.


wash par create --vendor <VENDOR> --name <NAME> --arch <ARCH> --binary /path/to/binary


--output (Alias -o) Specify output format (text or json) [default: text]

--experimental Whether or not to enable experimental features [env: WASH_EXPERIMENTAL=]

--vendor (Alias -v) Vendor string to help identify the publisher of the provider (e.g. Redis, Cassandra, wasmcloud, etc). Not unique

--revision (Alias -r) Monotonically increasing revision number

--version Human friendly version string

--schema (Alias -j) Optional path to a JSON schema describing the link definition specification for this provider [env: WASH_JSON_SCHEMA]

--directory (Alias -d) Location of key files for signing. Defaults to $WASH_KEYS ($HOME/.wash/keys) [env: WASH_KEYS]

--issuer (Alias -i) Path to issuer seed key (account). If this flag is not provided, the will be sourced from $WASH_KEYS ($HOME/.wash/keys) or generated for you if it cannot be found [env: WASH_ISSUER_KEY]

--subject (Alias -s) Path to subject seed key (service). If this flag is not provided, the will be sourced from $WASH_KEYS ($HOME/.wash/keys) or generated for you if it cannot be found [env: WASH_SUBJECT_KEY]

--name (Alias -n) Name of the capability provider

--arch Architecture of provider binary in format ARCH-OS (e.g. x86_64-linux)

--binary (Alias -b) Path to provider binary for populating the archive

--destination File output destination path

--compress Include a compressed provider archive

--disable-keygen Disables autogeneration of signing keys


Inspect accepts the path or OCI reference of the provider archive and prints out the properties of the archive.


This subcommand will be deprecated in future versions. Please use wash inspect instead.


wash par inspect

                            HTTP Server - Provider Archive
  Capability Contract ID                                        wasmcloud:httpserver
  Vendor                                                                   wasmCloud
  Version                                                                     0.17.0
  Revision                                                                         0
                            Supported Architecture Targets


--digest (Alias -d) Digest to verify artifact against (if OCI URL is provided for archive)

--output (Alias -o) Specify output format (text or json) [default: text]

--allow-latest Allow latest artifact tags (if OCI URL is provided for archive)

--experimental Whether or not to enable experimental features [env: WASH_EXPERIMENTAL=]

--user (Alias -u) OCI username, if omitted anonymous authentication will be used [env: WASH_REG_USER]

--password (Alias -p) OCI password, if omitted anonymous authentication will be used [env: WASH_REG_PASSWORD]

--insecure Allow insecure (HTTP) registry connections

--insecure-skip-tls-verify Skip checking OCI registry's certificate for validity

--no-cache skip the local OCI cache


Inserts a provider into a provider archive file


wash par insert /path/to/provider-archive --arch <ARCH> --binary /path/to/binary


--arch Architecture of provider binary in format ARCH-OS (e.g. x86_64-linux)

--binary (Alias -b) Path to provider binary for populating the archive

--output (Alias -o) Specify output format (text or json) [default: text]

--experimental Whether or not to enable experimental features [env: WASH_EXPERIMENTAL=]

--directory (Alias -d) Location of key files for signing. Defaults to $WASH_KEYS ($HOME/.wash/keys) [env: WASH_KEYS]

--issuer (Alias -i) Path to issuer seed key (account). If this flag is not provided, the will be sourced from $WASH_KEYS ($HOME/.wash/keys) or generated for you if it cannot be found [env: WASH_ISSUER_KEY]

--subject (Alias -s) Path to subject seed key (service). If this flag is not provided, the will be sourced from $WASH_KEYS ($HOME/.wash/keys) or generated for you if it cannot be found [env: WASH_SUBJECT_KEY]

--disable-keygen Disables autogeneration of signing keys