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Version: 1.0

wash dev

Starts a local dev loop for a component. Takes a local wasmcloud.toml file to deploy the sepcified component and accepts a host ID to specify the host to deploy on. This is an experimental feature and needs --experimental flag to run.


wash dev --experimental --host-id=<your-host-id>


--nats-credsfileOptional path to a NATS credentials file to authenticate and extend existing NATS infrastructure [env: NATS_CREDSFILE=]

--output (Alias -o) Specify output format (text or json) [default: text]

--experimental Whether or not to enable experimental features [env: WASH_EXPERIMENTAL=]

--nats-remote-url Optional remote URL of existing NATS infrastructure to extend [env: NATS_REMOTE_URL=]

--nats-connect-only If a connection can't be established, exit and don't start a NATS server. Will be ignored if a remote_url and credsfile are specified [env: NATS_CONNECT_ONLY=]

--nats-version NATS server version to download, e.g. v2.7.2. See for releases [env: NATS_VERSION=] [default: v2.9.14]

--nats-host NATS server host to connect to [env: NATS_HOST=] [default:]

--nats-port NATS server port to connect to. This will be used as the NATS listen port if --nats-connect-only isn't set [env: NATS_PORT=] [default: 4222]

--nats-websocket-port NATS websocket port to use. TLS is not supported. This is required for the wash ui to connect from localhost [env: NATS_WEBSOCKET_PORT=] [default: 4223]

--nats-js-domain NATS Server Jetstream domain, defaults to core [env: NATS_JS_DOMAIN=]

--wasmcloud-version wasmCloud host version to download, e.g. v0.80.0. See for releases [env: WASMCLOUD_VERSION=] [default: v0.80.0]

--lattice-prefix (Alias -x) ALattice name for wasmCloud control interface, defaults to "default" [env: WASMCLOUD_LATTICE_PREFIX=]

--host-seed The seed key (a printable 256-bit Ed25519 private key) used by this host to generate it's public key [env: WASMCLOUD_HOST_SEED=]

--rpc-host An IP address or DNS name to use to connect to NATS for RPC messages, defaults to the value supplied to --nats-host if not supplied [env: WASMCLOUD_RPC_HOST=]

--rpc-port A port to use to connect to NATS for RPC messages, defaults to the value supplied to --nats-port if not supplied [env: WASMCLOUD_RPC_PORT=]

--rpc-seed A seed nkey to use to authenticate to NATS for RPC messages [env: WASMCLOUD_RPC_SEED=]

--rpc-timeout-ms Timeout in milliseconds for all RPC calls [env: WASMCLOUD_RPC_TIMEOUT_MS=] [default: 2000]

--rpc-jwt A user JWT to use to authenticate to NATS for RPC messages [env: WASMCLOUD_RPC_JWT=]

--rpc-tls Optional flag to enable host communication with a NATS server over TLS for RPC messages [env: WASMCLOUD_RPC_TLS=]

--rpc-credsfile Convenience flag for RPC authentication, internally this parses the JWT and seed from the credsfile [env: WASMCLOUD_RPC_CREDSFILE=]

--ctl-host An IP address or DNS name to use to connect to NATS for Control Interface (CTL) messages, defaults to the value supplied to --nats-host if not supplied [env: WASMCLOUD_CTL_HOST=]

--ctl-port A port to use to connect to NATS for CTL messages, defaults to the value supplied to --nats-port if not supplied [env: WASMCLOUD_CTL_PORT=]

--ctl-seed A seed nkey to use to authenticate to NATS for CTL messages [env: WASMCLOUD_CTL_SEED=]

--ctl-jwt A user JWT to use to authenticate to NATS for CTL messages [env: WASMCLOUD_CTL_JWT=]

--ctl-credsfile Convenience flag for CTL authentication, internally this parses the JWT and seed from the credsfile [env: WASMCLOUD_CTL_CREDSFILE=]

--ctl-tls Optional flag to enable host communication with a NATS server over TLS for CTL messages [env: WASMCLOUD_CTL_TLS=]

--cluster-seed The seed key (a printable 256-bit Ed25519 private key) used by this host to sign all invocations [env: WASMCLOUD_CLUSTER_SEED=]

--cluster-issuers A comma-delimited list of public keys that can be used as issuers on signed invocations [env: WASMCLOUD_CLUSTER_ISSUERS=]

--provider-delay Delay, in milliseconds, between requesting a provider shut down and forcibly terminating its process [env: WASMCLOUD_PROV_SHUTDOWN_DELAY_MS=] [default: 300]

--allow-latest Determines whether OCI images tagged latest are allowed to be pulled from OCI registries and started [env: WASMCLOUD_OCI_ALLOW_LATEST=]

--allowed-insecure A comma-separated list of OCI hosts to which insecure (non-TLS) connections are allowed [env: WASMCLOUD_OCI_ALLOWED_INSECURE=]

--wasmcloud-js-domain Jetstream domain name, configures a host to properly connect to a NATS supercluster, defaults to core [env: WASMCLOUD_JS_DOMAIN=]

--config-service-enabled Denotes if a wasmCloud host should issue requests to a config service on startup [env: WASMCLOUD_CONFIG_SERVICE=]

--allow-file-load Denotes if a wasmCloud host should allow starting components from the file system [env: WASMCLOUD_ALLOW_FILE_LOAD=] [default: true] [possible values: true, false]

--enable-structured-logging Enable JSON structured logging from the wasmCloud host [env: WASMCLOUD_STRUCTURED_LOGGING_ENABLED=]

--log-level Controls the verbosity of JSON structured logs from the wasmCloud host [env: WASMCLOUD_LOG_LEVEL=] [default: info]

--enable-ipv6 Enables IPV6 addressing for wasmCloud hosts [env: WASMCLOUD_ENABLE_IPV6=]

--wasmcloud-start-only If enabled, wasmCloud will not be downloaded if it's not installed

--wadm-version wadm version to download, e.g. v0.4.0. See for releases [env: WADM_VERSION=] [default: v0.7.1]

--disable-wadm Disables wadm

--host-id ID of the host to use for wash dev if one is not selected, wash dev will attempt to use the single host in the lattice

--work-dir Path to code directory [env: WASH_DEV_CODE_DIR=]

--leave-host-running Leave the wasmCloud host running after stopping the devloop [env: WASH_DEV_LEAVE_HOST_RUNNING=]

--use-host-subprocess Run the wasmCloud host in a subprocess (rather than detached mode) [env: WASH_DEV_USE_HOST_SUBPROCESS=]