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Version: 1.0

wash new

This command creates a new project from an existing template. A user may create a component, provider or an interface project. This command takes you through the process in an interactive way. Following are the subcommands available under wash new:

  • component
  • provider


When creating a new component project, a user may select from the following templates to create a skeleton:

  • hello-world-rust: a hello-world component (in Rust) that responds over an HTTP connection
  • hello-world-tinygo: a hello-world component (in TinyGo) that responds over an HTTP connection
  • hello-world-typescript: a hello-world component (in TypeScript) that responds over an HTTP connection
  • hello-world-python: a hello-world component (in Python) that responds over an HTTP connection
  • rust-dog-fetcher: A component that is a good boi and illustrates how to use an HTTP client to fetch a dog picture from an API
  • echo-messaging: a component (in Rust) that echoes a payload received in a message using wasmcloud:messaging
  • wash-plugin-rust: a component (in Rust) that can be used as a plugin for the wash CLI

If you do not specify a template with the --template-name argument, you will be prompted to select one. You will then have to name the project, and a new project template will be created in the current directory. The project name can also be specified earlier and be passed to wash new component <project-name>.


wash new component
wash new component example-project
wash new component example-project --template-name hello-world-rust

As an alternative to the --template-name argument, you can specify a template in a GitHub repository with --git:

wash new component example-kvtest --git --subfolder examples/rust/components/http-keyvalue-counter
  • Specify a repository's .git file with the --git argument. If you need to specify a subfolder, you can use the subfolder argument.
  • The subfolder specified by the subfolder argument must not include a leading slash.
  • You can also specify a branch with the --branch argument.

You can also specify a template from a local filepath with --path:

wash new component example-kvtest --path ./wasmcloud/wasmcloud/examples/rust/components/http-keyvalue-counter


When creating a new provider project, a user may select from the following templates to create a skeleton:

  • messaging-nats: A capability provider with scaffolding to implement the wasmcloud:messaging interface for pubsub

The user will have to specify the name of the project and a vendor name, and a new project template will be created in the current directory. The project name can also be specified earlier and be passed to wash new provider <project-name>.


wash new provider
wash new provider example-project
wash new provider example-project --template-name messaging-nats


A template is a wasmCloud application folder that includes a project-generate.toml file. Here is a typical project-generate.toml:


raw = [
exclude = [


The following options can be used for all wash new subcommands:

--git GitHub repository URL. Requires 'git' to be installed in PATH

--output (Alias -o) Specify output format (text or json) [default: text]

--experimental Whether or not to enable experimental features [env: WASH_EXPERIMENTAL=]

--subfolder Optional subfolder of the git repository

--branch Optional GitHub branch. Defaults to "main"

--path (Alias -p) Optional path for template project (alternative to --git)

--values (Alias -v) Optional path to file containing placeholder values

--silent Silent - do not prompt user. Placeholder values in the templates will be resolved from a '--values' file and placeholder defaults

--favorites Favorites file - to use for project selection

--template-name (Alias -t) Template name - name of template to use

--no-git-init Don't run 'git init' on the new folder