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Version: 1.0

wash claims

Every component in a wasmCloud environment contains metadata which are called claims, in the form of JSON Web Tokens (JWTs).

wash claims helps generate, manage and view these JWTs for wasmCloud components.

The following are the subcommands available under wash claims.

  • inspect
  • sign
  • token



This subcommand will be deprecated in future versions. Please use wash inspect instead.

wash inspect helps you to examine the stored metadata of a wasmCloud component. wash inspect accepts the path to the wasmCloud component or provider and prints out the properties of that component.


➜ wash claims inspect

                               Echo - Module
  Expires                                                          never
  Can Be Used                                                immediately
  Version                                                      0.3.7 (4)
  Call Alias                                                   (Not set)

➜ wash claims inspect

                            HTTP Server - Provider Archive
  Capability Contract ID                                        wasmcloud:httpserver
  Vendor                                                                   wasmCloud
  Version                                                                     0.17.0
  Revision                                                                         0
                            Supported Architecture Targets


--jwt-only Extract the raw JWT from the file and print to stdout

--output (Alias -o) Specify output format (text or json) [default: text]

--digest (Alias -d) Digest to verify artifact against (if OCI URL is provided for component)

--experimental Whether or not to enable experimental features [env: WASH_EXPERIMENTAL=]

--allow-latest Allow latest artifact tags (if OCI URL is provided for component)

--user (Alias -u) OCI username, if omitted anonymous authentication will be used [env: WASH_REG_USER]

--password (Alias -p) OCI password, if omitted anonymous authentication will be used [env: WASH_REG_PASSWORD]

--insecure Allow insecure (HTTP) registry connections

--insecure-skip-tls-verify Skip checking server's certificate for validity

--no-cache skip the local OCI cache


wash claims sign assists you in signing a WebAssembly component with metadata about the component. Users may specify metadata such as expiration, tags, etc.


wash claims sign /path/to/wasm-module --name=component-name


--destination (Alias -d) Destination for signed module. If this flag is not provided, the signed module will be placed in the same directory as the source with a "_s" suffix

--output (Alias -o) Specify output format (text or json) [default: text]

--experimental Whether or not to enable experimental features [env: WASH_EXPERIMENTAL=]

--msg (Alias -g) Enable the Message broker standard capability

--name (Alias -n) A human-readable, descriptive name for the token

--tag (Alias -t) A list of arbitrary tags to be embedded in the token

--prov (Alias -p) Indicates whether the signed module is a capability provider instead of a component (the default is component)

--rev (Alias -r) Revision number

--ver (Alias -v) Human-readable version string

--call-alias (Alias -a) Developer or human friendly unique alias used for invoking a component, consisting of lowercase alphanumeric characters, underscores '_' and slashes '/'

--issuer (Alias -i) Path to issuer seed key (account). If this flag is not provided, the will be sourced from $WASH_KEYS ($HOME/.wash/keys) or generated for you if it cannot be found [env: WASH_ISSUER_KEY]

--subject (Alias -s) Path to subject seed key (module). If this flag is not provided, the will be sourced from $WASH_KEYS ($HOME/.wash/keys) or generated for you if it cannot be found [env: WASH_SUBJECT_KEY]

--directory Location of key files for signing. Defaults to $WASH_KEYS ($HOME/.wash/keys) [env: WASH_KEYS]

--expires (Alias -x) Indicates the token expires in the given amount of days. If this option is left off, the token will never expire

--nbf (Alias -b) Not before days. Period in days that must elapse before this token is valid. If this option is left off, the token will be valid immediately

--disable-keygen Disables autogeneration of keys if seed(s) are not provided


Using this subcommand, a user can generate signed JWTs for components, operators, accounts and providers by supplying basic token information, a signing seed key and metadata. Following are the subcommands available under token.

  • component
  • operator
  • account
  • provider


Generate a signed JWT for a component


wash claims token component --name=example -k


--output (Alias -o) Specify output format (text or json) [default: text]

--experimental Whether or not to enable experimental features [env: WASH_EXPERIMENTAL=]

--msg (Alias -g) Enable the Message broker standard capability

--name (Alias -n) A human-readable, descriptive name for the token

--tag (Alias -t) A list of arbitrary tags to be embedded in the token

--prov (Alias -p) Indicates whether the signed module is a capability provider instead of a component (the default is component)

--rev (Alias -r) Revision number

--ver (Alias -v) Human-readable version string

--call-alias (Alias -a) Developer or human friendly unique alias used for invoking a component, consisting of lowercase alphanumeric characters, underscores '_' and slashes '/'

--issuer (Alias -i) Path to issuer seed key (account). If this flag is not provided, the will be sourced from $WASH_KEYS ($HOME/.wash/keys) or generated for you if it cannot be found [env: WASH_ISSUER_KEY]

--subject (Alias -s) Path to subject seed key (module). If this flag is not provided, the will be sourced from $WASH_KEYS ($HOME/.wash/keys) or generated for you if it cannot be found [env: WASH_SUBJECT_KEY]

--directory Location of key files for signing. Defaults to $WASH_KEYS ($HOME/.wash/keys) [env: WASH_KEYS]

--expires (Alias -x) Indicates the token expires in the given amount of days. If this option is left off, the token will never expire

--nbf (Alias -b) Not before days. Period in days that must elapse before this token is valid. If this option is left off, the token will be valid immediately

--disable-keygen Disables autogeneration of keys if seed(s) are not provided


Generate a signed JWT for an operator


wash claims token operator --name=example


--name (Alias -n) A human-readable, descriptive name for the token

--output (Alias -o) Specify output format (text or json) [default: text]

--experimental Whether or not to enable experimental features [env: WASH_EXPERIMENTAL=]

--issuer (Alias -i) Path to issuer seed key (account). If this flag is not provided, the will be sourced from $WASH_KEYS ($HOME/.wash/keys) or generated for you if it cannot be found [env: WASH_ISSUER_KEY]

--additional-key (Alias -a) Additional keys to add to valid signers list Can either be seed value or path to seed file

--directory Location of key files for signing. Defaults to $WASH_KEYS ($HOME/.wash/keys) [env: WASH_KEYS]

--expires (Alias -x) Indicates the token expires in the given amount of days. If this option is left off, the token will never expire

--nbf (Alias -b) Not before days. Period in days that must elapse before this token is valid. If this option is left off, the token will be valid immediately

--disable-keygen Disables autogeneration of keys if seed(s) are not provided


Generate a signed JWT for an account


wash claims token account --name=example


--name (Alias -n) A human-readable, descriptive name for the token

--output (Alias -o) Specify output format (text or json) [default: text]

--experimental Whether or not to enable experimental features [env: WASH_EXPERIMENTAL=]

--issuer (Alias -i) Path to issuer seed key (account). If this flag is not provided, the will be sourced from $WASH_KEYS ($HOME/.wash/keys) or generated for you if it cannot be found [env: WASH_ISSUER_KEY]

--subject (Alias -s) Path to subject seed key (module). If this flag is not provided, the will be sourced from $WASH_KEYS ($HOME/.wash/keys) or generated for you if it cannot be found [env: WASH_SUBJECT_KEY]

--additional-key (Alias -a) Additional keys to add to valid signers list Can either be seed value or path to seed file

--directory Location of key files for signing. Defaults to $WASH_KEYS ($HOME/.wash/keys) [env: WASH_KEYS]

--expires (Alias -x) Indicates the token expires in the given amount of days. If this option is left off, the token will never expire

--nbf (Alias -b) Not before days. Period in days that must elapse before this token is valid. If this option is left off, the token will be valid immediately

--disable-keygen Disables autogeneration of keys if seed(s) are not provided


Generate a signed JWT for a capability provider


wash claims token provider --name=example --vendor=vendor-name


--name (Alias -n) A human-readable, descriptive name for the token

--output (Alias -o) Specify output format (text or json) [default: text]

--experimental Whether or not to enable experimental features [env: WASH_EXPERIMENTAL=]

--vendor (Alias -v) A human-readable string identifying the vendor of this provider (e.g. Redis or Cassandra or NATS etc)

--revision (Alias -r) Monotonically increasing revision number

--version (Alias -e) Human-friendly version string

--issuer (Alias -i) Path to issuer seed key (account). If this flag is not provided, the will be sourced from $WASH_KEYS ($HOME/.wash/keys) or generated for you if it cannot be found [env: WASH_ISSUER_KEY]

--subject (Alias -s) Path to subject seed key (module). If this flag is not provided, the will be sourced from $WASH_KEYS ($HOME/.wash/keys) or generated for you if it cannot be found [env: WASH_SUBJECT_KEY]

--directory Location of key files for signing. Defaults to $WASH_KEYS ($HOME/.wash/keys) [env: WASH_KEYS]

--expires (Alias -x) Indicates the token expires in the given amount of days. If this option is left off, the token will never expire

--nbf (Alias -b) Not before days. Period in days that must elapse before this token is valid. If this option is left off, the token will be valid immediately

--disable-keygen Disables autogeneration of keys if seed(s) are not provided