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Version: 1.0

wash ctx

wash ctx provides a user with tools to interact with wasmCloud host configuration contexts. By default, the host configuration context is stored in a host_config.json file in your $HOME/.wash/contexts directory. This command will help you to interactively manage host contexts by performing operations such as addition, removal and editing of contexts. Following are the available subcommands under wash ctx:

  • list
  • del
  • new
  • default
  • edit


Lists all of the stored contexts available in $HOME/.wash/contexts except index.json.


wash ctx list


--directory Location of context files for managing. Defaults to $WASH_CONTEXTS ($HOME/.wash/contexts) [env: WASH_CONTEXTS]

--output(Alias -o) Specify output format (text or json) [default: text]


Delete a context stored in the contexts directory. The user may supply the name of the context to delete or will be prompted to select an existing one


wash contexts del <context-name>


--directory Location of context files for managing. Defaults to $WASH_CONTEXTS ($HOME/.wash/contexts) [env: WASH_CONTEXTS]

--output (Alias -o) Specify output format (text or json) [default: text]


Create a new host configuration context. The user may provide a custom name for their context and can also go through the create process in an interactive way by supplying the --interactive flag. By default, a context is created with default values.


wash ctx new <context-name>


--directory Location of context files for managing. Defaults to $WASH_CONTEXTS ($HOME/.wash/contexts) [env: WASH_CONTEXTS]

--output (Alias -o) Specify output format (text or json) [default: text]

--interactive (Alias -i) Create the context in an interactive terminal prompt, instead of an autogenerated default context


Set the default context for use in your lattice operations.


wash ctx default <context-name>


--directory Location of context files for managing. Defaults to $WASH_CONTEXTS ($HOME/.wash/contexts) [env: WASH_CONTEXTS]

--output (Alias -o) Specify output format (text or json) [default: text]


Edit a context using an editor. You may pick a text editor of your editor of choice using the --editor flag.


wash ctx edit <context-name> --editor=nano


--directory Location of context files for managing. Defaults to $WASH_CONTEXTS ($HOME/.wash/contexts) [env: WASH_CONTEXTS]

--output (Alias -o) Specify output format (text or json) [default: text]

--editor (Alias -e) Your terminal text editor of choice. This editor must be present in your $PATH, or an absolute filepath [env: EDITOR=]