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Version: 1.x

Cloud Event List

The following is a list of all of the CloudEvents emitted by wasmCloud hosts in a lattice. The events are published to wasmbus.evt.{lattice-id}.{event-type}, and so will publish to wasmbus.evt.default.> by default.

All of the events in the table below are namespaced by the prefix com.wasmcloud.lattice, so the component_started event has the Cloud Event type of com.wasmcloud.lattice.component_started. These event types do not include the lattice identifier.

All fields indicated in the tables below are included in the data payload of the Cloud Events 1.0 specification JSON encoding.

Unless otherwise noted, the source field of the CloudEvent is the public key of the host from which the event originated.

Lattice Events

component_scaledA component has been scaled up or down.
component_scale_failedA component failed to scale up or down.
linkdef_setA link definition has been set.
linkdef_deletedA link definition has been deleted.
provider_startedA provider has been started.
provider_start_failedA provider failed to start.
provider_stoppedA provider has been stopped.
health_check_passedA health check has passed.
health_check_failedA health check has failed.
health_check_statusA health check status has been reported.
config_setA configuration has been set.
config_deletedA configuration has been deleted.
labels_changedThe labels on a host have changed.
host_heartbeatA host has sent a heartbeat.
host_startedA host has started.
host_stoppedA host has stopped.


The component_scaled event is emitted when a component is scaled up or down.

idstringThe UUID of the event.
typestringThe type of the event. Always com.wasmcloud.lattice.component_scaled for this event
sourcestringThe source of the event.
datacontenttypestringThe content type of the data.
specversionstringThe version of the CloudEvents spec.
timeISO 8601 stringThe time the event was emitted.
dataobjectThe data payload of the event. (see below)
data.host_idstringThe ID of the host on which the component is running.
data.component_idstringThe ID of the component.
data.image_refstringThe image reference of the component.
data.max_instancesnumberThe maximum number of instances of the component.
data.annotationsobjectObject of key/value pairs describing the annotations for the component.
data.public_keystring (optional)The public key of the host.
data.claimsobject (optional)The claims on the component (if it has been signed). (optional)The call alias of the component. (optional)The issuer of the component.[] (optional)Tags assigned during signing (optional)The name of the component. (optional)The version of the component. (optional)The revision of the component.


The component_scale_failed event is emitted when a component fails to scale up or down.

idstringThe UUID of the event.
typestringThe type of the event. Always com.wasmcloud.lattice.component_scale_failed for this event
sourcestringThe source of the event.
datacontenttypestringThe content type of the data.
specversionstringThe version of the CloudEvents spec.
timeISO 8601 stringThe time the event was emitted.
dataobjectThe data payload of the event. (see below)
data.errorstringThe error message.
data.host_idstringThe ID of the host on which the component is running.
data.image_refstringThe image reference of the component.
data.max_instancesnumberThe maximum number of instances of the component.
data.component_idstringThe ID of the component.
data.public_keystring (optional)The public key of the host.
data.annotationsobjectObject of key/value pairs describing the annotations for the component.


The linkdef_set event is emitted when a link definition is set.

idstringThe UUID of the event.
typestringThe type of the event. Always com.wasmcloud.lattice.linkdef_set for this event
sourcestringThe source of the event.
datacontenttypestringThe content type of the data.
specversionstringThe version of the CloudEvents spec.
timeISO 8601 stringThe time the event was emitted.
dataobjectThe data payload of the event. (see below)
data.source_idstringThe ID of the source component.
data.targetstringThe ID of the target component.
data.namestringThe name of the link definition.
data.wit_namespacestringThe namespace of the WebAssembly interface type.
data.wit_packagestringThe package of the WebAssembly interface type.
data.interfacesstring[]The interfaces of the link definition.
data.source_configstring[]The source configuration of the link definition.
data.target_configstring[]The target configuration of the link definition.


The linkdef_deleted event is emitted when a link definition is deleted.

idstringThe UUID of the event.
typestringThe type of the event. Always com.wasmcloud.lattice.linkdef_deleted for this event
sourcestringThe source of the event.
datacontenttypestringThe content type of the data.
specversionstringThe version of the CloudEvents spec.
timeISO 8601 stringThe time the event was emitted.
dataobjectThe data payload of the event. (see below)
data.source_idstringThe ID of the source component.
data.namestringThe name of the link definition.
data.wit_namespacestringThe namespace of the WebAssembly interface type.
data.wit_packagestringThe package of the WebAssembly interface type.


The provider_started event is emitted when a provider is started.

idstringThe UUID of the event.
typestringThe type of the event. Always com.wasmcloud.lattice.provider_started for this event
sourcestringThe source of the event.
datacontenttypestringThe content type of the data.
specversionstringThe version of the CloudEvents spec.
timeISO 8601 stringThe time the event was emitted.
dataobjectThe data payload of the event. (see below)
data.host_idstringThe ID of the host on which the provider is running.
data.image_refstringThe image reference of the provider.
data.provider_idstringThe ID of the provider.
data.annotationsobjectObject of key/value pairs describing the annotations for the provider. objectThe claims on the provider (if it has been signed) issuer of the claims. name of the provider set during signing. version of the provider set during signing.


The provider_start_failed event is emitted when a provider fails to start.

idstringThe UUID of the event.
typestringThe type of the event. Always com.wasmcloud.lattice.provider_start_failed for this event
sourcestringThe source of the event.
datacontenttypestringThe content type of the data.
specversionstringThe version of the CloudEvents spec.
timeISO 8601 stringThe time the event was emitted.
dataobjectThe data payload of the event. (see below)
data.provider_refstringThe reference of the provider.
data.provider_idstringThe ID of the provider.
data.errorstringThe error message.


The provider_stopped event is emitted when a provider is stopped.

idstringThe UUID of the event.
typestringThe type of the event. Always com.wasmcloud.lattice.provider_stopped for this event
sourcestringThe source of the event.
datacontenttypestringThe content type of the data.
specversionstringThe version of the CloudEvents spec.
timeISO 8601 stringThe time the event was emitted.
dataobjectThe data payload of the event. (see below)
data.host_idstringThe ID of the host on which the provider is running.
data.provider_idstringThe ID of the provider.
data.annotationsobjectObject of key/value pairs describing the annotations for the provider.
data.reasonstringThe reason the provider was stopped.


The health_check_passed event is emitted when a health check has passed.

idstringThe UUID of the event.
typestringThe type of the event. Always com.wasmcloud.lattice.health_check_passed for this event
sourcestringThe source of the event.
datacontenttypestringThe content type of the data.
specversionstringThe version of the CloudEvents spec.
timeISO 8601 stringThe time the event was emitted.
dataobjectThe data payload of the event. (see below)
data.host_idstringThe ID of the host.
data.provider_idstringThe ID of the provider.


The health_check_failed event is emitted when a health check has failed.

idstringThe UUID of the event.
typestringThe type of the event. Always com.wasmcloud.lattice.health_check_failed for this event
sourcestringThe source of the event.
datacontenttypestringThe content type of the data.
specversionstringThe version of the CloudEvents spec.
timeISO 8601 stringThe time the event was emitted.
dataobjectThe data payload of the event. (see below)
data.host_idstringThe ID of the host.
data.provider_idstringThe ID of the provider.


The health_check_status event is emitted when the status of a health check has been reported.

idstringThe UUID of the event.
typestringThe type of the event. Always com.wasmcloud.lattice.health_check_status for this event
sourcestringThe source of the event.
datacontenttypestringThe content type of the data.
specversionstringThe version of the CloudEvents spec.
timeISO 8601 stringThe time the event was emitted.
dataobjectThe data payload of the event. (see below)
data.host_idstringThe ID of the host.
data.provider_idstringThe ID of the provider.


The config_set event is emitted when a configuration is set.

idstringThe UUID of the event.
typestringThe type of the event. Always com.wasmcloud.lattice.config_set for this event
sourcestringThe source of the event.
datacontenttypestringThe content type of the data.
specversionstringThe version of the CloudEvents spec.
timeISO 8601 stringThe time the event was emitted.
dataobjectThe data payload of the event. (see below)
data.config_namestringThe name of the configuration.


The config_deleted event is emitted when a configuration is deleted.

idstringThe UUID of the event.
typestringThe type of the event. Always com.wasmcloud.lattice.config_deleted for this event
sourcestringThe source of the event.
datacontenttypestringThe content type of the data.
specversionstringThe version of the CloudEvents spec.
timeISO 8601 stringThe time the event was emitted.
dataobjectThe data payload of the event. (see below)
data.config_namestringThe name of the configuration.


The labels_changed event is emitted when the labels on a host have changed.

idstringThe UUID of the event.
typestringThe type of the event. Always com.wasmcloud.lattice.labels_changed for this event
sourcestringThe source of the event.
datacontenttypestringThe content type of the data.
specversionstringThe version of the CloudEvents spec.
timeISO 8601 stringThe time the event was emitted.
dataobjectThe data payload of the event. (see below)
data.host_idstringThe ID of the host.
data.labelsobjectObject of key/value pairs describing the labels for the host.


The host_heartbeat event is emitted when a host has sent a heartbeat.

idstringThe UUID of the event.
typestringThe type of the event. Always com.wasmcloud.lattice.host_heartbeat for this event
sourcestringThe source of the event.
datacontenttypestringThe content type of the data.
specversionstringThe version of the CloudEvents spec.
timeISO 8601 stringThe time the event was emitted.
dataobjectThe data payload of the event. (see below)
data.host_idstringThe ID of the host.
data.uptime_secondsnumberThe uptime in seconds.


The host_started event is emitted when a host has started.

idstringThe UUID of the event.
typestringThe type of the event. Always com.wasmcloud.lattice.host_started for this event
sourcestringThe source of the event.
datacontenttypestringThe content type of the data.
specversionstringThe version of the CloudEvents spec.
timeISO 8601 stringThe time the event was emitted.
dataobjectThe data payload of the event. (see below)
data.host_idstringThe ID of the host.
data.labelsobjectObject of key/value pairs describing the labels for the host.


The host_stopped event is emitted when a host has stopped.

idstringThe UUID of the event.
typestringThe type of the event. Always com.wasmcloud.lattice.host_stopped for this event
sourcestringThe source of the event.
datacontenttypestringThe content type of the data.
specversionstringThe version of the CloudEvents spec.
timeISO 8601 stringThe time the event was emitted.
dataobjectThe data payload of the event. (see below)
data.host_idstringThe ID of the host.
data.labelsobjectObject of key/value pairs describing the labels for the host.
data.reasonstringThe reason the host was stopped.

RPC Events

The following events are emitted on a special topic, wasmbus.rpcevt.{lattice-id} to keep the relatively chatty RPC notifications separate from the other events.

invocation_failedAn RPC failure notification
invocation_succeededAn RPC success notification