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Version: 1.x


wasmCloud integrates seamlessly with your team's existing tooling—from infrastructure to dashboards to essential building blocks for developers.

ArgoConcordance GitOps ExampleBuild on the Concordance GitOps example to use ArgoCD with wasmCloud.
Azure BlobstoreBlob Storage ProviderAdd Azure blob storage functionality for wasmCloud applications with the first-party Azure Blobstore capability provider.
CouchbaseDatabase ProviderAdd Couchbase key-value functionality for wasmCloud applications with the third-party Couchbase capability provider.
DatadogObservabilityConsume OpenTelemetry signals from the wasmCloud host.
DynatraceObservabilityConsume OpenTelemetry signals from the wasmCloud host.
ElasticObservabilityConsume OpenTelemetry signals from the wasmCloud host.
GrafanaObservabilityUse Grafana dashboards to visualize OpenTelemetry signals from the wasmCloud host.
HelmDeploying wasmCloud on KubernetesUse Helm charts to deploy wasmCloud prerequisites and the wasmCloud operator.
HoneycombObservabilityConsume OpenTelemetry signals from the wasmCloud host.
KafkaMessaging ProviderAdd Kafka messaging functionality for wasmCloud applications with the first-party Kafka messaging capability provider.
KubernetesDeploying wasmCloud on KubernetesRun WebAssembly component workloads on Kubernetes and extend Kubernetes across regions, clouds, and edges.
LokiObservabilityConsume OpenTelemetry logging signals from the wasmCloud host.
Open Policy AgentPolicy ServiceUse the wasmCloud Policy Service API with Open Policy Agent.
OpenTelemetryObservabilityUse the OpenTelemetry format to consume logging, tracing, and metrics signals from the wasmCloud host.
NATSLattice, Messaging ProviderNATS is the connective technology underlying the wasmCloud lattice. Add NATS messaging functionality to wasmCloud applications with the first-party messaging capability provider.
NATS (Key-Value Storage)Key-Value ProviderAdd NATS key-value functionality with the first-party NATS key-value storage capability provider.
New RelicObservabilityConsume OpenTelemetry signals from the wasmCloud host.
PostgreSQLProvider, InterfaceAdd PostgreSQL database functionality for wasmCloud applications with the first-party PostgreSQL capability provider.
PrometheusObservabilityConsume OpenTelemetry metrics signals from the wasmCloud host.
RedisKey-Value ProviderAdd Redis key-value functionality for wasmCloud applications with the first-party Redis capability provider.
SplunkObservabilityConsume OpenTelemetry signals from the wasmCloud host.
TempoObservabilityConsume OpenTelemetry tracing signals from the wasmCloud host.
VaultKey-Value ProviderAdd HashiCorp Vault key-value functionality with the first-party Vault key-value capability provider.

Get involved​

Is your wasmCloud integration not listed here? You can add it to the list by contributing to this page. You can also share your project with the wasmCloud community in the wasmCloud Slack or in a wasmCloud community meeting.