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Version: 1.x

Go HTTP Password Checker

This example is a WebAssembly component that checks password strength over HTTP.

The application...

📦 Dependencies

Before starting, ensure that you have the following installed in addition to the Go (1.23+) toolchain:

👟 Run the example

Clone the wasmCloud/go repository:

git clone

Change directory to examples/component/http-password-checker:

cd examples/component/http-password-checker

In addition to the standard elements of a Go project, the example directory includes the following files and directories:

  • build/: Target directory for compiled .wasm binaries
  • gen/: Target directory for Go bindings of interfaces
  • wit/: Directory for WebAssembly Interface Type (WIT) packages that define interfaces
  • bindings.wadge_test.go: Automatically generated test bindings
  • wadm.yaml: Declarative application manifest
  • wasmcloud.lock: Automatically generated lockfile for WIT packages
  • wasmcloud.toml: Configuration file for a wasmCloud application

Start a local development loop

Run wash dev to start a local development loop:

wash dev

The wash dev command will:

  • Start a local wasmCloud environment
  • Build this component
  • Deploy your application and all requirements to run the application locally, including...
    • Your locally built component
    • The HTTP server provider, which will receive requests from the outside world (on port 8000 by default)
    • Necessary links between providers and your component so your component can handle web traffic
  • Watch your code for changes and re-deploy when necessary.

Once the application is deployed, open another terminal tab. To ensure that the application has reached Deployed status, you can use wash app list:

wash app list

Send a request

You can send a request with a JSON payload to the /api/v1/check endpoint:

curl localhost:8000/api/v1/check -d '{"value": "tes12345!"}'
    "valid": false, "message": "insecure password, try including more special characters, using uppercase letters or using a longer password"

Clean up

You can cancel the wash dev process with Ctrl-C.

⚠️ Issues/FAQ

curl produces a "failed to invoke" error

If curling produces...

failed to invoke `wrpc:http/incoming-handler.handle`: failed to invoke `wrpc:http/incoming-handler@0.1.0.handle`: failed to shutdown synchronous parameter channel: not connected%

...the HTTP server may not have finished starting up. You can check that the application has reached Deployed status with wash app list.

If the issue persists, you may have a lingering HTTP server provider running on your system. You can use pgrep to check:

pgrep -la ghcr_io
4007604 /tmp/wasmcloudcache/NBCBQOZPJXTJEZDV2VNY32KGEMTLFVP2XJRZJ5FWEJJOXESJXXR2RO46/ghcr_io_wasmcloud_http_server_0_23_1

📖 Further reading

To learn how to extend this example with additional capabilities, see the Adding Capabilities section of the wasmCloud documentation.

For more on building components, see the Component Developer Guide in the wasmCloud documentation.