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Version: 1.x

Building providers with Go

wasmCloud provides a complete SDK for building capability providers in Go, meaning that Go developers can write every part of a wasmCloud application.

For a listing of WebAssembly+Go tooling, see Building components with Go.

Get started

In the Go examples directory of the wasmCloud monorepo, you can find a template for a custom provider that returns system info when a component is linked and stores ID and configuration data for any components that may be linked to it. This is not only a good example, but a great foundation for many custom provider projects.


To build a capability provider in Go, you'll need...

Additionally, for the purposes of the "testing" section of this example, you'll want:

Create a new provider

Use wash to start a new provider project:

wash new provider custom --template-name custom-template-go

In the new project directory custom you will find the files for the Go provider. Open main.go:

//go:generate wit-bindgen-wrpc go --out-dir bindings --package wit

package main

import (

	server ""

func main() {
	if err := run(); err != nil {

func run() error {
	// Initialize the provider with callbacks to track linked components
	providerHandler := Handler{
		linkedFrom: make(map[string]map[string]string),
		linkedTo:   make(map[string]map[string]string),
	p, err := provider.New(
		provider.SourceLinkPut(func(link provider.InterfaceLinkDefinition) error {
			return handleNewSourceLink(&providerHandler, link)
		provider.TargetLinkPut(func(link provider.InterfaceLinkDefinition) error {
			return handleNewTargetLink(&providerHandler, link)
		provider.SourceLinkDel(func(link provider.InterfaceLinkDefinition) error {
			return handleDelSourceLink(&providerHandler, link)
		provider.TargetLinkDel(func(link provider.InterfaceLinkDefinition) error {
			return handleDelTargetLink(&providerHandler, link)
		provider.HealthCheck(func() string {
			return handleHealthCheck(&providerHandler)
		provider.Shutdown(func() error {
			return handleShutdown(&providerHandler)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Store the provider for use in the handlers
	providerHandler.provider = p

	// Setup two channels to await RPC and control interface operations
	providerCh := make(chan error, 1)
	signalCh := make(chan os.Signal, 1)

	// Handle RPC operations
	stopFunc, err := server.Serve(p.RPCClient, &providerHandler)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Handle control interface operations
	go func() {
		err := p.Start()
		providerCh <- err

	// Shutdown on SIGINT
	signal.Notify(signalCh, syscall.SIGINT)

	// Run provider until either a shutdown is requested or a SIGINT is received
	select {
	case err = <-providerCh:
		return err
	case <-signalCh:

	return nil

func handleNewSourceLink(handler *Handler, link provider.InterfaceLinkDefinition) error {
	fmt.Println("Handling new source link", "link", link)
	handler.linkedTo[link.Target] = link.SourceConfig
	return nil

func handleNewTargetLink(handler *Handler, link provider.InterfaceLinkDefinition) error {
	fmt.Println("Handling new target link", "link", link)
	handler.linkedFrom[link.SourceID] = link.TargetConfig
	return nil

func handleDelSourceLink(handler *Handler, link provider.InterfaceLinkDefinition) error {
	fmt.Println("Handling del source link", "link", link)
	delete(handler.linkedTo, link.SourceID)
	return nil

func handleDelTargetLink(handler *Handler, link provider.InterfaceLinkDefinition) error {
	fmt.Println("Handling del target link", "link", link)
	delete(handler.linkedFrom, link.Target)
	return nil

func handleHealthCheck(_ *Handler) string {
	fmt.Println("Handling health check")
	return "provider healthy"

func handleShutdown(handler *Handler) error {
	fmt.Println("Handling shutdown")
	return nil

The imports include the Go Provider SDK library, which helps to handle logic for wasmCloud links, health check responses, and other interactions with the wider wasmCloud system. This is the role of main.go—to handle the trappings of being a provider.

In provider.go, we can examine the custom logic for this provider:

package main

import (

	// Go provider SDK
	sdk ""
	wrpcnats ""

	// Generated bindings from the wit world
	system_info ""

// / Your Handler struct is where you can store any state or configuration that your provider needs to keep track of.
type Handler struct {
	// The provider instance
	provider *sdk.WasmcloudProvider
	// All components linked to this provider and their config.
	linkedFrom map[string]map[string]string
	// All components this provider is linked to and their config
	linkedTo map[string]map[string]string

// Request information about the system the provider is running on
func (h *Handler) RequestInfo(ctx context.Context, kind system_info.Kind) (string, error) {
	// Only allow requests from a lattice source
	header, ok := wrpcnats.HeaderFromContext(ctx)
	if !ok {
		h.provider.Logger.Warn("Received request from unknown origin")
		return "", nil
	// Only allow requests from a linked component
	sourceId := header.Get("source-id")
	if h.linkedFrom[sourceId] == nil {
		h.provider.Logger.Warn("Received request from unlinked source", "sourceId", sourceId)
		return "", nil

	h.provider.Logger.Debug("Received request for system information", "sourceId", sourceId)

	switch kind {
	case system_info.Kind_Os:
		return runtime.GOOS, nil
	case system_info.Kind_Arch:
		return runtime.GOARCH, nil
		return "", errors.New("invalid system info request")

// Example export to call from the provider for testing
func (h *Handler) Call(ctx context.Context) (string, error) {
	var lastResponse string
	for target := range h.linkedTo {
		data := process_data.Data{
			Count: 3,
			Name:  "sup",
		// Get the outgoing RPC client for the target
		client := h.provider.OutgoingRpcClient(target)
		// Send the data to the target for processing
		res, close, err := process_data.Process(ctx, client, &data)
		defer close()
		if err != nil {
			return "", err
		lastResponse = res

	if lastResponse == "" {
		lastResponse = "Provider received call but was not linked to any components"

	return lastResponse, nil

This code implements two functions defined in our WIT world: process-data and system-info. (The Go bindings translate them to the more idiomatic process_data and system_info respectively.) This provides the basic structure of the provider:

  • Custom logic in provider.go
  • Scaffolding for acting as a provider in main.go
  • Interface definitions in a WIT world

This structure means that adapting a Go application to a provider isn't too challenging—especially if you're already using WIT definitions for interfaces.

Test your provider

You can run the provider on a local NATS server for testing with the provided script.

First, start your NATS server:

nats-server -js

Then from your project directory, run:


In another terminal, test provider health with the NATS CLI...

nats req "" '{}'
18:06:30 Sending request on ""
18:06:30 Received with rtt 438µs
{"healthy":true,"message":"provider healthy"}

You can also invoke the provider with wash call, which in this case will report that we have no linked components:

wash call custom-template wasmcloud:example/
Provider received call but was not linked to any components

Build and run on wasmCloud

If you want to test the provider on wasmCloud, you can deploy it alongside an included component with the wadm.yaml manifest included as part of the template.

Download necessary packages:

go mod tidy

Build the provider from the root of the project directory:

wash build

We'll also need to build the component in the /component/ subdirectory.

cd component && wash build

Now launch wasmCloud...

wash up

And in another terminal, deploy the manifest from the root of the project directory. This will launch the provider as well as the component in the /component/build subdirectory.

wash app deploy ./wadm.yaml

Now we can run wash call again—but this time, the provider is running on wasmCloud and is connected to a component:

wash call custom-template wasmcloud:example/
Provider is running on darwin-arm64

Next steps