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Version: 1.0


WebAssembly Interface Type (WIT) is a high-level interface description language (IDL) maintained as an open standard by the W3C WebAssembly Community Group.

In addition to supporting community-standard interfaces written in WIT like those in WebAssembly System Interface 0.2, wasmCloud enables you to build custom WIT interfaces and communicate between components in the way best-suited to your requirements.

You can find full documentation for WIT in the community documentation for the Component Model. On this page, we will explore how to write an interface in WIT in the context of a wasmCloud application.

How WIT works​

Writing WIT does not enact application behavior itself—instead, it defines a contract between components, a behavior that a component will either fulfill itself or expect another component to fulfill.

When developing an interface, you can use WIT to define the interfaces through which components and providers will communicate. Specifically, your WIT will define the interfaces through which your component exposes functions ("exports") and the capabilities that it requires ("imports").

When a component adds an import—for blobstore functionality, say—you can imagine that your component is putting out an open call for someone to perform the very specific, tightly-defined job of providing blob storage. Your component isn't going to worry about who does the job or exactly how they do it, so long as it conforms to the precise definition of work your component has set out.

It is useful to read through existing interfaces written in WIT, such as those in WASI 0.2, to see how they define contracts. When we set out to write our own interfaces, we'll follow the same patterns to set down a shared language that components can use to describe what they need and what they provide.

WIT structure and worlds​

At bottom, WIT definitions are .wit files organized into subdirectories. When you're working with wasmCloud projects, all WIT definitions are found in the wit directory at the project root.

WIT files define interfaces and worlds:

  • Interfaces are exactly what you would expect—named groups of types and functions making up an API.
  • Worlds are sets of imports and exports.

In a wasmCloud component project, it is conventional to include a top-level WIT world at the root of a wit folder in the project directory. This file defines the overall imports and exports for your component. A world.wit file might look like this:

package wasmcloud:hello;

world hello {
  import wasi:logging/logging;

  export wasi:http/incoming-handler@0.2.0;

This component's WIT world imports logging functionality from another component using the logging interface and exports handler behavior to an HTTP server using the incoming-handler interface.

The top-level WIT world refers to WIT dependencies that are included in the wit/deps subdirectory. (You can see an example in the GitHub repo for the http-hello-world template.) While the world above only explicitly uses logging and http, those interfaces can themselves depend on other interfaces. In deps we find directories for a variety of interfaces; the http-hello-world example includes the following:

├── cli
├── clocks
├── filesystem
├── http
├── io
├── keyvalue
├── logging
├── random
└── sockets

If we look inside the http directory, we'll find three .wit files: types.wit, handler.wit, and proxy.wit. If you look inside, you'll find that proxy is a world while types is an interface describing types and handler is a pair of interfaces.

The proxy file describes the imports and exports for http. Imports include dependencies from other interfaces such as random number generation; the export is incoming-handler.

The incoming-handler interface in the handler WIT looks like this:

/// This interface defines a handler of incoming HTTP Requests. It should
/// be exported by components which can respond to HTTP Requests.
interface incoming-handler {
  use types.{incoming-request, response-outparam};

  /// This function is invoked with an incoming HTTP Request, and a resource
  /// `response-outparam` which provides the capability to reply with an HTTP
  /// Response. The response is sent by calling the `response-outparam.set`
  /// method, which allows execution to continue after the response has been
  /// sent. This enables both streaming to the response body, and performing other
  /// work.
  /// The implementor of this function must write a response to the
  /// `response-outparam` before returning, or else the caller will respond
  /// with an error on its behalf.
  handle: func(
    request: incoming-request,
    response-out: response-outparam

Note the following features:

  • Documentation is denoted by three forward-slashes.
  • The interface is named and then defined within braces.
  • The interface uses types defined in types.wit.
  • handle is described as a function that takes two arguments, a request and a response-out of the types used above.

Data types​

WIT uses the following built-in data types:

  • Boolean values (bool)
  • Signed integers (s8, s16, s32, s64)
  • Unsigned integers (u8, u16, u32, u64)
  • Floating-point numbers (f32, f64)
  • Unicode characters (char)
  • Unicode strings (string)
  • Lists (list)
  • Options (option)
  • Results (result)
  • Tuples (tuple)

wasmCloud supports all standard data types in custom WIT interfaces. For more information on using these types, as well as user-defined types, see the WIT documentation.


Streams, futures, and resources will not work in a distributed way in custom interfaces, so exercise caution when using these types. You may notice that several WASI 0.2 interfaces use resources—note that the wasmCloud host adapts well-known resources from wasi-http, wasi-keyvalue, wasi-messaging, and wasi-blobstore into concrete types that we can send over the lattice, meaning those standard interfaces are fully supported for distributed applications.


Functions are defined by a name and the function type func, with a colon separating the name and type. After the func type, parameters are included within parentheses, and the function is closed with a semicolon. A function with no parameters might look like this:

idle: func();

Functions can be defined in interfaces and as imports or exports in worlds.

Let's take a look at the handle function again:

handle: func(
    request: incoming-request,
    response-out: response-outparam

Within the handle function, the two parameters request and response-out are named and then specified as being of the incoming-request and response-outparam types respectively.

To indicate that a function returns a value, include an arrow symbol after the parentheses and the type of the returned value:

shout: func() -> string;

If a function has multiple return values, the values must be named.

Example: Greeter​

Let's create a very simple interface called greeter that passes a string between components. Create a directory called greeter and inside that directory a file called greeter.wit. Add the following to the file:

package local:greeter-demo; // <namespace>:<package>

interface greet { // interface <name of interface>
  greet: func(message: string) -> string; // a function named "greet"

world greeter {
  export greet; // make the `greet` function available to other components/the runtime

This interface will take one string parameter called message and return a string value.

To add this interface to a component, simply copy the greeter directory over to the component's wit/deps directory and add it to the project's wit/world.wit file:

package wasmcloud:hello;

world hello {
  export local:greeter-demo/greet; 

Congratulations—you've written a simple custom interface and added it to a component. For more details on implementing custom interfaces with components and providers, see the Provider section of the Developer Guide.

Further reading​

For more on WIT, see the community documentation for the Component Model. You may also wish to read the full specification for WIT on GitHub.