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Version: 1.x


wasmCloud pulls images for components and providers from OCI (Open Container Initiative) registries. Additionally, the wash up utility pulls release binaries for nats-server, wadm, and wasmcloud from GitHub. Both of these are done over HTTPS and can be done through a proxy.


This proxy configuration should be set when running wash up or when running the wasmCloud host.

Proxy configuration​

wash will respect the HTTP_PROXY, HTTPS_PROXY, and NO_PROXY environment variables (and their lowercase equivalents) by passing them directly down to our HTTP libraries. If you are using a proxy, you can set these variables to the appropriate values. For example:

export HTTP_PROXY=
wash up

Proxy authentication​

If your proxy requires authentication, you can set the WASH_PROXY_USERNAME and WASH_PROXY_PASSWORD environment variables. For example:

export WASH_PROXY_USERNAME='myuser'
export WASH_PROXY_PASSWORD='myp4$$w0rd'
wash up

It's recommended to use single quotes to avoid issues with special characters in the password.

This configuration will allow wash to download binaries through the proxy. For authenticating to private registries, see the Registries guide.