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Version: 1.x

Deployment Guides

Run wasmCloud on any cloud, seamlessly integrated with your existing cloud-native estate.

The CNCF wasmCloud project operates seamlessly on container orchestration platforms such as AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS), Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), Microsoft Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), on-premises solutions like Rancher and VMware Tanzu, and many others.

This page outlines platforms supported by wasmCloud with the best available deployment instructions for each. If your platform of choice doesn't have deployment instructions available, you are welcome to request them by opening an issue in the GitHub repository for this site.

wasmCloud Platform Compatibility Overview

VendorPlatform NameCompatibleDeployment InstructionswasmCloud Deployment
Amazon Web ServicesAmazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS)YesEKS DocumentationDeploy wasmCloud on Kubernetes
Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS)YesECS DocumentationRequest documentation
AWS FargateYesFargate DocumentationDeploy wasmCloud with ECS Fargate
AWS App RunnerYesApp Runner DocumentationRequest documentation
Google Cloud PlatformGoogle Kubernetes Engine (GKE)YesGKE DocumentationDeploy wasmCloud on Kubernetes
Google App EngineYesApp Engine DocumentationRequest documentation
Microsoft AzureAzure Kubernetes Service (AKS)YesAKS DocumentationDeploy wasmCloud on Kubernetes
Azure Container Instances (ACI)YesACI DocumentationRequest documentation
Azure App ServiceYesApp Service DocumentationRequest documentation
Azure Red Hat OpenShiftYesAzure Red Hat OpenShift DocumentationRequest documentation
IBM CloudIBM Cloud Kubernetes ServiceYesIBM Cloud Kubernetes Service DocumentationDeploy wasmCloud on Kubernetes
IBM Cloud Code EngineYesIBM Cloud Code Engine DocumentationRequest documentation
IBM Cloud Red Hat OpenShiftYesIBM Cloud Red Hat OpenShift DocumentationDeploy wasmCloud on Kubernetes
Oracle CloudOracle Kubernetes Engine (OKE)YesOKE DocumentationDeploy wasmCloud on Kubernetes
Oracle FunctionsYesOracle Functions DocumentationRequest documentation
VMwareVMware Tanzu Kubernetes GridYesTanzu Kubernetes Grid DocumentationRequest documentation
Tanzu Application ServiceYesTanzu Application Service DocumentationRequest documentation
Red HatOpenShift Kubernetes PlatformYesOpenShift DocumentationDeploy wasmCloud on Kubernetes
DigitalOceanDigitalOcean KubernetesYesDigitalOcean Kubernetes DocumentationDeploy wasmCloud on Kubernetes
DigitalOcean App PlatformYesApp Platform DocumentationRequest documentation
AkamaiAkamai Linode Kubernetes EngineYesAkamai Linode Kubernetes Engine DocumentationDeploy wasmCloud with Akamai LKE
On-Premises SolutionsRancherYesRancher DocumentationDeploy wasmCloud on Kubernetes
OpenShiftYesOpenShift DocumentationDeploy wasmCloud on Kubernetes
VMware Tanzu Kubernetes GridYesTanzu Kubernetes Grid DocumentationRequest documentation