Cloud Event List
The following is a list of all of the CloudEvents emitted by wasmCloud hosts in a lattice. The events are published to wasmbus.evt.{lattice-id}.{event-type}
, and so will publish to wasmbus.evt.default.>
by default.
All of the events in the table below are namespaced by the prefix com.wasmcloud.lattice
, so the actor_started
event has the Cloud Event type of com.wasmcloud.lattice.actor_started
. These event types do not include the lattice identifier.
All fields indicated in the tables below are included in the data
payload of the Cloud Events 1.0 specification JSON encoding.
Unless otherwise noted, the source
field of the CloudEvent is the public key of the host from which the event originated.
Type | Fields | Description |
actor_start_failed | actor_ref error | Indicates a failed attempt to start an actor |
actor_stopped | public_key instance_id annotations | Indicates a single actor instance stopped on a host |
actor_started | public_key image_ref api_version instance_id annotations (map)claims (map) | A single actor instance started |
actor_updated | public_key revision instance_id | An actor "live update" operation completed successfully |
actor_update_failed | public_key revision instance_id reason | A live update operation failed |
actors_started | public_key image_ref annotations host_id count claims (map) | A batch of actor instances successfully started. host_id is the same as the envelope's source |
actors_start_failed | public_key image_ref annotations host_id error | A batch of actor instances failed to start. host_id is the same as the envelope's source |
actors_stopped | host_id public_key count remaining annotations | A batch of actor instances stopped. host_id is the same as the envelope's source |
provider_started | public_key image_ref link_name contract_id instance_id annotations claims (map) | A capability provider successfully started |
provider_start_failed | provider_ref link_name error | A capability provider failed to start |
provider_stopped | public_key link_name contract_id instance_id annotations reason | A capability provider stopped |
host_started | labels friendly_name uptime_seconds version | Announced by a host after completing initialization |
host_stopped | labels | Announced by a host just prior to final termination |
host_heartbeat | actors providers labels friendly_name version uptime_seconds uptime_human | Periodically emitted by hosts to advertise inventory and status |
health_check_passed | public_key contract_id link_name | A provider health check passed |
health_check_failed | public_key contract_id link_name | A provider health check failed |
health_check_status | public_key contract_id link_name | Provider health status unchanged |
refmap_set | oci_url public_key | Event advertising a reference mapping being cached |
linkdef_set | id actor_id provider_id link_name contract_id values (map) | Event advertising a link definition being cached |
linkdef_deleted | id actor_id provider_id link_name contract_id values (map) | Event advertising link definition being deleted from cache |
The following events are emitted on a special topic, wasmbus.rpcevt.{lattice-id}
to keep the relatively chatty RPC notifications separate from the other events.
Type | Fields | Description |
invocation_failed | source (public_key , contract_id , link_name )dest (public_key , contract_id , link_name ) operation bytes (payload len) | An RPC failure notification |
invocation_suceeded | Same as above | An RPC success notification |