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Version: 0.82

Host Troubleshooting


The primary wasmCloud host runtime is the wasmcloud-host, which you'll be using if you're running the host from wash, a released binary, or with the wasmcloud docker image.

The Javascript host has different log messages, and it's recommended to create an issue in the wasmcloud-js repo if you are running into errors in the browser.

The first place to check when troubleshooting the host is logs. wasmCloud host logs include the following:

  1. Logs from the host runtime
  2. Logs from actors
  3. Logs from capability providers

Finding the Logs​

If you followed the installation guide, then you likely started the host by running wash up. By default, the logs will be printed to the screen, but if you ran the host using --detached, the logs will be written to ~/.wash/downloads/wasmcloud.log.

At the start of this logfile you'll see something like:

2023-12-19T21:36:49.708714Z  INFO async_nats::options: event: connected
2023-12-19T21:36:49.708910Z  INFO async_nats::options: event: connected
2023-12-19T21:36:49.711351Z  INFO wasmcloud_host::wasmbus: bucket already exists. Skipping creation. bucket=LATTICEDATA_default
2023-12-19T21:36:49.712048Z  INFO wasmcloud_host::wasmbus: bucket already exists. Skipping creation. bucket=CONFIGDATA_default
2023-12-19T21:36:49.714279Z  INFO wasmcloud_host::wasmbus: wasmCloud host started host_id="NBNHZROISSPTB4U77L53USB47S5A7HWETPCVAENGYLTWHMKR2B7Q37VT"

Logs are appended to the end of this file as they are generated, so for the latest logs, you'll want to check the end of the file. On Unix systems, you can use the tail command to see the last several lines of the file, and you can use tail -f to stream new logs as they are written.

Changing the log level​

To configure the log level, you can use the --log-level flag, or set the WASMCLOUD_LOG_LEVEL environment variable, when starting the host.

The wasmCloud host supports the following log levels:

  • error
  • warn
  • info (default)
  • debug
  • trace

If you want to configure the log level for a specific library, you can set the RUST_LOG environment variable. For example, to change the log level of async-nats to warn while keeping the host at debug, you could run:

RUST_LOG=async_nats=warn,debug wasmcloud --log-level debug

Note that all actors and providers inherit the same log level settings as the host itself.

Log Format​

By default, the wasmCloud host emits logs as unstructured text. However, structured logs can be enabled via the --enable-structured-logging flag, or by setting the WASMCLOUD_STRUCTURED_LOGGING_ENABLED environment variable to true. Structured logs are convenient when forwarding logs to an aggregation tool.

Structured logs look like the following:

{"timestamp":"2023-12-19T22:16:06.389492Z","level":"INFO","fields":{"message":"event: connected"},"target":"async_nats::options"}
{"timestamp":"2023-12-19T22:16:06.390689Z","level":"INFO","fields":{"message":"event: connected"},"target":"async_nats::options"}
{"timestamp":"2023-12-19T22:16:06.401737Z","level":"INFO","fields":{"message":"bucket already exists. Skipping creation.","bucket":"LATTICEDATA_default"},"target":"wasmcloud_host::wasmbus"}
{"timestamp":"2023-12-19T22:16:06.402034Z","level":"INFO","fields":{"message":"bucket already exists. Skipping creation.","bucket":"CONFIGDATA_default"},"target":"wasmcloud_host::wasmbus"}
{"timestamp":"2023-12-19T22:16:06.406203Z","level":"INFO","fields":{"message":"wasmCloud host started","host_id":"NC3CUT4IP43REAEQDE33652YNK4Z7KFE7KI3XGUMHVNSP2TNY3CFAH4M"},"target":"wasmcloud_host::wasmbus"}