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Version: 0.82

wash spy

This command will spy on all invocations between an actor and its linked providers. This is an experimental command and needs the --experimental flag passed to it. The user will pass the actor ID or actor name to this command to spy on. If an actor name is passed, it will be resolved to an ID. If multiple actors have the same name, the user will be prompted to pick the desired one.


wash spy <actor-id> --experimental
wash spy <actor-name> --experimental


--output (Alias -o) Specify output format (text or json) [default: text]

--ctl-host (Alias -r) CTL Host for connection, defaults to for local nats [env: WASMCLOUD_CTL_HOST=]

--experimental Whether or not to enable experimental features [env: WASH_EXPERIMENTAL=]

--ctl-port (Alias -p) CTL Port for connections, defaults to 4222 for local nats [env: WASMCLOUD_CTL_PORT=]

--ctl-jwt JWT file for CTL authentication. Must be supplied with ctl_seed [env: WASMCLOUD_CTL_JWT]

--ctl-seed Seed file or literal for CTL authentication. Must be supplied with ctl_jwt [env: WASMCLOUD_CTL_SEED]

--ctl-credsfile Credsfile for CTL authentication. Combines ctl_seed and ctl_jwt. See for details [env: WASH_CTL_CREDS]

--js-domain JS domain for wasmCloud control interface. Defaults to None [env: WASMCLOUD_JS_DOMAIN]

--lattice-prefix (Alias -x) Lattice name for wasmCloud control interface, defaults to "default" [env: WASMCLOUD_LATTICE_PREFIX=]

--timeout-ms (Alias -t) Timeout length to await a control interface response, defaults to 2000 milliseconds [env: WASMCLOUD_CTL_TIMEOUT_MS=] [default: 2000]

--context Path to a context with values to use for CTL connection and authentication