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Version: 0.82

wash down

This command will stop all the resources started by wash up. Primarily, it will stop the wasmCloud host and NATS leaf that were started on your local machine. If there is a single host running on your machine, wash down will stop that singular host. In case of multiple hosts, the user gets a choice to stop a specific host or all the running hosts on the system. To stop a specific host in a multiple host scenario, pass the --host-id flag to the command. To stop currently running hosts, pass the --all flag.


# For a singular host
wash down 

# For a specific host
wash down --host-id=hostid

# For all hosts
wash down --all


--output (Alias -o) Specify output format (text or json) [default: text]

--lattice-prefix (Alias -x) A lattice name is a unique identifier for a lattice, and is frequently used within NATS topics to isolate messages from different lattices [env: WASMCLOUD_LATTICE_PREFIX=] [default: default]

--ctl-host An IP address or DNS name to use to connect to NATS for Control Interface (CTL) messages, defaults to the value supplied to --nats-host if not supplied [env: WASMCLOUD_CTL_HOST=]

--experimental Whether or not to enable experimental features [env: WASH_EXPERIMENTAL=]

--ctl-port A port to use to connect to NATS for CTL messages, defaults to the value supplied to --nats-port if not supplied [env: WASMCLOUD_CTL_PORT=]

--ctl-credsfile Convenience flag for CTL authentication, internally this parses the JWT and seed from the credsfile [env: WASMCLOUD_CTL_CREDSFILE=]

--ctl-seed A seed nkey to use to authenticate to NATS for CTL messages [env: WASMCLOUD_CTL_SEED=]

--ctl-jwt A user JWT to use to authenticate to NATS for CTL messages [env: WASMCLOUD_CTL_JWT=

--host-id The ID of the host to terminate

--all Flag to stop all hosts