Community Calls
May 24, 2023
- Update on Wadm from Taylor
- RFC: Defining Interfaces Using Wit from Kevin
- What's happening in the wider Wasm community?
- Component model update from Bailey
May 17, 2023
- DEMO: wash burrito support with wasmCloud v0.63.0
- Discuss RFC Remove the Washboard from the Host
- Discuss RFC Transition Feature Focus to Rust
- Discuss Stale issue bot
May 10, 2023
- DEMO + Showcase: wasmCloud burrito releases
- Discussion: "Built-in" capability providers defined at runtime
- wasmCloud: Path to a CNCF Incubating project
May 3, 2023
- (DEMO) SigScale rating actor demo from Vance
- wadm 0.4 release update
- Cosmonic devpost hackathon winners - the cool wasmCloud bits
- wash command structure rework RFC
- wasmCloud Documentation structure rework
- Brainstorm: Handling secrets in link definitions / provider configuration
- If time: wasmcloud-rpc RFC
April 26, 2023
- (DEMO + DISCUSSION) Wadm, the declarative application format OAM, and where the
release stands - (DISCUSSION) wasmCloud builtin numbergen capability, cryptography, generating random bytes
- KubeCon EU wrap-up, video recording links
April 12, 2023
- wadm progress report
- Golang officially merges wasip1 support, discussion
April 5, 2023
- DEMO: Concordance event sourcing replay
- wadm State of the Union
- v0.62.0 release notes, component support status
March 29, 2023
- (DEMO) wasmCloud's KVcounter, but with Wasm components
- Implications of components on the wasmCloud ecosystem
- Actors
- Examples
- Capability Providers
- wasmCloud hosts
- Language support
- Release roadmap
- (DEMO) Cosmonic Concordance - an open sourced framework for building event sourced systems with wasmCloud
March 22, 2023
General note: this meeting is going to be light with a good portion of the core maintainers away at Wasm I/O or traveling. Nonetheless, very exciting updates!
- v0.62.0 release candidates, libwasmcloud NIF
March 15, 2023
- DEMO: Link definitions & link names: their meaning, usage, and some powerful things you can do
- WASI wasmCloud component model update with Roman
- Proper use of wasmCloud github projects with Taylor
- SCALE 20x recap + recordings
- Hackathon progress / callouts