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October 16, 2024


Meeting Notes

  • Firstly, announcing that Colin Murphy (Adobe) is now a project maintainer for the wasmCloud org and wash maintainer. Colin's been collaborating with us for many years so this is long overdue. We are delighted!

UPDATE: wasmCloud 1.3 features and fixes

  • As always it's difficult to capture all the points discussed, and the Q&A, check out the recording below for the full details.
  • We will be publishing a developer blog post with all the details shortly so keep an eye on the wasmCloud blog and social channels.
  • wash dev is the major update in 1.3 which provides a way for us to review component dependencies in full.
  • Release notes are tagged along with the 1.3 release.
  • Notably, we have introduced a new validation path for links. Earlier, you cauld have an http server provider forwarded to components based on a path. We used to be able to do this with the same interface without specifying a link name - this is now invalid.
  • What must be present to create a link from the same source to multiple targets, you must specify the link name - a unique identifier for calling a specific target at runtime,
  • Works by extension for cap providers - htto triggered by an external handler.
  • Wasm component context requires additional identification layer.
  • Check out the recording for Massoud's example - a great way to demo why we need this feature. In your code you can denote you're calling 2 different locations, identified with link names.
  • Another [example in our documentation}( for a guide to using links.

DISCUSSION: Embedding wasmcloud and wadm in wash

  • One of the key elements on the wasmCloud Q4 roadmap. A key one is embedding wasmCloud and wadm in wash.
  • V1 - wadm and wasnckoud are both binaries and crates. As such, we can start a wasmcloud host and wadm but embedded in wash.
  • When we run wash up, once we've ensured we are running NATS locally, wadm and wasmCloud can run within the same process as wash.
  • Why is this important? This allows us to handle errors better and make it easier to short-circuit runtime errors.
  • It ensures there are no runaway processes and it's quicker, 2 less binaries to download from GitHub.
  • Jordis: what is driving this, are there quick wins to push readiness? Comment: getting ahead on docs that provide visual simplicity is desired.
  • Brooks: The origin started in realizing it can be frictionful to download through GitHub - proxies cause issues for enterprises. We want to make it easier to work locally with less requirements for external access - tricky when there's poor connectivity, esp if you're being asked to take more steps.
  • There was a much broader discussion, check out the recording for the full discussion.

DISCUSSION: wasmCloud Q4 roadmap

  • Last week we did our Q4 roadmapping session which was super productive.
  • The Q4 roadmap is now live in GitHub projects, with a host of good first issues in triage.
  • In the Ready for Work section, you'll see we have a higher ratio of good first issues - perfect for those who are looking to get started.
  • We have already started on a number of Q4 issues and so check out the repo for all the details.
  • For Q4 we will be prepping for WasmCon + KubeCon, taking place in Salt Lake City in 3.5 weeks. We'll be there in force and so be sure to stop along our Project Booth on the Wednesday 13th November.
  • Check out the wide-ranging discussion - recording below.

Community Updates

  • Join us in Salt Lake City for WasmCon and KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America 11 - 15 November. We're stoked to see so many talks exploring wasmCloud, check out the schedues to see when we're on stage, and visit the wasmCloud booth in the Project Paviliion on the afternoon/evening of Wednesday 13th (booth crawl) - we're looking forward to seeing you!

WasmCon schedule KubeCon NA schedule (inc. ContribFest)

Tune in…

Catch up…

  • There are still a couple of weeks left to get your Hacktoberfest projects going! We've tagged a ton of issues in the wasmCloud repo so you can add your wasmCloud contributions to your Hacktoberfest activities. Take a look and get started!
