As always, it's difficult to express the glory of Brook's demo in notes. Please check out the recording below.
We've updated the Go developer experience in our documentation and now have language-specific guidance for testing. We started with Go but more to come.
Our new Developer Guide now has a Go-specific testing guide (under Languages), and we'll continue to build out our language-specific resources in the coming months.
The guide details everything you need to do to get started. It starts with new Go component code which can be used alongside the wit-bindgen and WAdge toolset (preliminary information there right now, but we will expand in the coming weeks).
Brooks shows off some of the new tooling coming down the line in wash. E.g. Init function and implementation of a wasi-http transport for Go's http library.
It's worth reminding ourselves that wash dev is a powerful addition to the toolbox. wash dev is a multi-facted feature that allows us to build, review our dependencies and create the declarative manifest.
Thank you to everyone who has worked hard to get this working. In particular, everyone on the Tinygo side pushing WASI P2 as a target, our internal maintainers and community contributors.
Maahir: what about Wasm adoption and big code spaces? Is it being adopted by giants or just in testing phase?
Brooks mentions the upcoming WasmCon conference that features many wasmCloud adopters. We also have several user stories published on the CNCF and wasmCloud blogs.
Again, this is such a rich demo, we suggest you catch the recording below.
This demo shows the flexibility of the environment we built for our space demo (see Bailey's Innovation Day keynote), now congfigured for different, more security-centric use case; this time finance.
We have developed a banking app to demonstrate how Wasm can work in a high-security identification scenario. In the same way the space demo identified boats, we can change the prompt for a different use case.
Lachlan shows how we've repurposed the environment to look for ID documentation. Swift configuration - exactly the same front end, with just a simple prompt changed.
Next week (9th Oct) we will have a special community board to plan our Q4 activities. A great opp to look at where we can make the most impact for our users and community.
Check in on our GitHub discussion to suggest features, prioritize fixes, and to brainstorm priorities for the next phase of development.
Our previous roadmap focused on community contributions, improving developer workflows, and finalizing some support for WASI interfaces. Based on the discussion next week, we'll determine our next roadmap's focus.
Please feel free to comment whether you're a long-time wasmCloud user, maintainer, first-time contributor, or just curious onlooker that noticed something we should do.
Hacktoberfest is here! We've tagged a ton of issues in the wasmCloud repo so you can add your wasmCloud contributions to your Hacktoberfest activities. Take a look and get started!
WasmCon is coming and we're excited to see so many talks that have a wasmCloud flavour. The agenda is live and registrations are open. Take a look, we're looking forward to seeing everyone in Salt Lake City.
Bailey joined the Google Chrome Devs' WasmAssembly podcast, hosted by Thomas Steiner PhD. In this episode, Bailey discusses WebAssembly in the Bytecode Alliance and at Cosmonic. Tune in for a deep dive on the future of Wasm and the role of the BA.