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July 10, 2024


Meeting Notes

First up, a very warm welcome to Lucas Fontes who joins the infrastructure team at Cosmonic. Welcome! We're stoked to have you here. Lucas is from Brazil but lives in Canada. He is a seasoned infrastructure engineer with expertise in K8s, Heroku, Salesforce and much more.

DEMO: wasmcloud-operator with Joonas and Lucas

  • wasmcloud-operator repo
  • There's also a handy blog about how we integrated the wasmcloud-operator into the wasmCloud project.
  • As always there is only so much we can share in notes and so please check out the recording below for the full discussion and Q&A.
  • We making a bit easier to get going and so we have an update PR that introduces a new examples directory.
  • The main thing to note is we have simplified host-signing. All we need is the lattice name, the version of wasmCloud, and the NATS cluster. This removes a host of extra, unnecessary steps.
  • In here will be local examples—the first one is a Quickstart that takes you through the steps you take to get the operator set up.
  • Take a look at the recording for the step-by-step guide. This is a great practical introduction to getting started with the wasmcloud-operator! Try it out for yourself and let us know what you think at

Go, Go, GO!

Weekly highlights

Issue of the week

Doc of the Week

  • Updates to the wash new CLI page, clarifying different ways to use templates - Eric
  • Thanks for the issue posted by Robyn that we needed to clarify arguments for capability provider templates.
  • The guide shows you a host of new capabilities including the ability to specify a template from a local file.
  • Check out the recording for more.

Community Updates

Tune in…

  • Taylor will join Dotan Horovitz for the Open Observability Talks podcast to discuss all things WebAssembly, and how it is the next frontier in the evolution of cloud native computing. Join next Thursday, July 18th, 1pm ET.

Catch up…

  • ShipIt!: Bailey and Taylor joined the good folks over at Changelog's ShipIt! podcast to discuss WebAssembly Standard Interfaces (WASI), trade-offs for portable interfaces and why WebAssembly is the Kubernetes of Lambda.
  • Cloud Native Live: all things Wasm and Kubernetes. Dan Norris and Taylor Thomas's stream: "Advanced Kubernetes Integrations with wasmCloud" looked at some advanced extension points work, using the wasmCloud operator as the backdrop. Watch to find out how we integrated Wasm into Kubernetes using Rust and extension points like Endpoint Slices, API aggregation and more!
  • On Cloud Native Live, Taylor joined Synadia's Jeremy Saenz to discuss the benefits of building a distributed Wasm-native reconciliation loop with NATS JetStream. Watch to learn about key-value buckets, streams and work queues, how they work and why they matter. 12 midday ET.
  • Bailey recently joined Dan Lorenc at Chainguard to discuss all things Wasm, Kubernetes, distroless compute models and more. Tune in for this step-by-step exploration of Wasm.
  • The CNCF and Bytecode Alliance came together on CNCF Cloud Native Live for an interesting discussion on WASI 0.2 the Component Model..and the role of the BA in driving forward Wasm standards and tooling.
  • Cloud Native Wasm Day recordings are available! Particular highlights are presentations from our community users MachineMetrics and Orange.
  • Check out the Arm Developer Podcast where Bailey and Liam discussed the intersection of Wasm and GPU technologies.
  • Listen in to the last WasmEdge community meeting where Bailey Hayes talks all things WASI 0.2 and we hear from the students of the University of Tokyo on some cool new projects.
  • Bailey was a guest on a recent Rancher Live podcast with Divya Mohan. Tune in for a deep dive into WASI 0.2! */}
