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July 2, 2024


Meeting Notes​

DISCUSSION: Q3 wasmCloud roadmap​

  • It's Q3! And that means it's time to plot our quarterly development plan.
  • May 1st of this year we discussed Q2 targets so how did we do? You can visit the repo but we recommend you check out Brooks's retrospective in the recording below. There are some interesting stats in there.
  • 260 PRs, 67 issues closed - that's a ton of work and so much of it has been completed by the community. Thank you!
  • The fresh roadmap will appear the roadmap section of our documentation replete with links.
  • As we look forward we will take on 20 high level items and, as we get to completing them, we want 10 of these to be closed out by a community contributor. Everybody has a voice, and an opportunity to get more involved in this next phase.
  • If we can get 80% of the way there, that will be a major win.
  • Join the recording to see what we agreed to place on the roadmap. Here's the summary. There are several issues we will bring over from Q2:
    • Updating provider config at runtime
    • Pluggable secrets management
    • wash app dev workflow.
    • Component to provider in Wadm manifests.
    • Batch.
    • Implement WASI Key-Value.
    • And more - check out the recording for more details.
  • New for Q3:
    • Test automation for WASI (mock/unit tests, virtualization).
    • Store-resolved WIT alongside providers (Store providers in OCI as artifact).
      • Store each layer as an OS artifact so we can select based on that. May have to store as image manifest - in exploration.
    • Built-in HTTP server.
    • wash build debug compilation support - for providers and components.
      • was build support debug binaries during rapid iteration loop.
      • Prerequisite for getting wash app dev workflow underway.
    • wash up automatic downloads of patch wasmcloud/wadm releases - ensures we're always using the right versions.
    • wasmCloud infrastructure provisioning: tf/scripts.
      • K8s use cases are increasing all the time and so it would be great to provide some recommendations for infra providers for provisioning wasmCloud for EKS, AKS etc. Every cloud is different so we should cater for these differences.
      • Custom interface functions that use resources - we have already begun work here and this is a key focus for Q3. This depends on the wRPC implementation.
    • Remove every commit-releases of providers/wasmCloud/wash.
    • Robust data type support with wash call, at least well known interfaces.
    • Emit wadm events on an observable stream.
    • Capture deployment errors in application status in wadm.
  • We will share the complete list soon, once we've digested all your comments and asks.

Community Suggestions:​

  • Massoud: consolidate wasmcloud-operator helm charts for simple, guided deploys; wasmCloud all-in-one chart.

  • TinyGo wasip2 support merges

  • This just merged and includes .2 support for TinyGo! This is a major step towards allowing Go programs to compile directly to Wasm components.

  • Check out our latest blog for all the details and drop any questions in Slack.

  • Huge congratulations and thanks for the many folks in the wasmCloud and TinyGo community - too many to mention but special thanks to Zhou (Mossaka) and Bailey (Ricochet).

Weekly highlights​

Issue of the week: [Feature] max_execution_time config​

  • We already have a max execution time parameter in the wasmCloud runtime, component can only execute for a certain amount of time - avoids infinite loops etc.
  • Let's config on a command line flag!
  • Take a look and get involved. Thanks to those who are already hacking on this!

Doc of the week: NATS ecosystem overview​

  • Huge thanks to Eric and the community for the extensive work done on our NATS documentation.
  • Consistency around the use 'subject' and 'topic' - as as result of WASI messaging discussions. Topic will become the standard nomenclature in wasi messaging.
  • Take a look - super useful resource.

Community Updates​

Tune in…​

  • ShipIt!: Bailey and Taylor joined the good folks over at Changelog's ShipIt! podcast to discuss WebAssembly Standard Interfaces (WASI), trade-offs for portable interfaces and why WebAssembly is the Kubernetes of Lambda.
  • Cloud Native Live: all things Wasm and Kubernetes. Dan Norris and Taylor Thomas's stream: "Advanced Kubernetes Integrations with wasmCloud" looked at some advanced extension points work, using the wasmCloud operator as the backdrop. Watch to find out how we integrated Wasm into Kubernetes using Rust and extension points like Endpoint Slices, API aggregation and more!
  • On Cloud Native Live, Taylor joined Synadia's Jeremy Saenz to discuss the benefits of building a distributed Wasm-native reconciliation loop with NATS JetStream. Watch to learn about key-value buckets, streams and work queues, how they work and why they matter. 12 midday ET.
  • Bailey recently joined Dan Lorenc at Chainguard to discuss all things Wasm, Kubernetes, distroless compute models and more. Tune in for this step-by-step exploration of Wasm.
  • The CNCF and Bytecode Alliance came together on CNCF Cloud Native Live for an interesting discussion on WASI 0.2 the Component Model..and the role of the BA in driving forward Wasm standards and tooling.
  • Cloud Native Wasm Day recordings are available! Particular highlights are presentations from our community users MachineMetrics and Orange.
  • Check out the Arm Developer Podcast where Bailey and Liam discussed the intersection of Wasm and GPU technologies.
  • Listen in to the last WasmEdge community meeting where Bailey Hayes talks all things WASI 0.2 and we hear from the students of the University of Tokyo on some cool new projects.
  • Bailey was a guest on a recent Rancher Live podcast with Divya Mohan. Tune in for a deep dive into WASI 0.2!
