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Community Meeting - 2024-03-27


  • DISCUSSION: wasmCloud 1.0 update
  • DISCUSSION: wasmCloud Operator

Meeting Notes​

Welcome new community members!​

  • Welcome Tyler Shoppe from Machine Metrics who is on Jochen Rau's team. Tyler has been a community member for a while. Platform and backend stream processing in customer environments. Working with NATS for a long time, and now Wasm and wasmCloud. Taylor Thomas just delivered a presentation at Cloud Native Wasm Day on some of the work Tyler and Jochen's team has been doing. Great to see you on the call, Tyler!
  • Welcome Siddharth Khonde! Has been in software engineering for 4 years. New to Wasm; started reading about wasmCloud start of this year and is passionate about contributing to wasmCloud open source. Great to meet you, Siddharth!

DISCUSSION: wasmCloud 1.0 update​

  • We are very close! wRPC integration is almost done with some small things to finalize.
  • Some host-tidying on bugs discovered during Wasm Day demos. Control topic changes etc.
  • You can run this from main and have it work! We published the newly updated providers.
  • Main thing remaining is Wadm, which is dependent on a number of smaller changes.
  • Reason why we're gating 1.0 on Wadm is because Wadm exercises the full multiple nodes in a lattice and tests in a real-world way. This will give us some performance guarantees.
  • RCs will be toward the end of this week/beginning of next.
  • We will add additional polish features after 1.0.

DISCUSSION: wasmCloud Operator​

  • Dan Norris (Infrastructure Lead at Cosmonic): We open sourced the wasmCloud Operator at KubeCon last week.
  • It's a bit different in that it allows us to do 2 things:
    • Provision and manage a set of wasmCloud hosts in the same lattice: driven with a CRD. This brings all the replicas, lattice IDs, versioning you could wish for.
    • Natively integrated against Wadm so you can 'kubectl apply' a Wadm manifest. This makes running wasmCloud actors in Kubernetes really easy.
  • Kick the tires with 0.82 host. Work with 1.0 when API is stabilized and we'll let the community know when this happens.
  • Integrates with Argo.
  • Great on-ramp for those already running Kubernetes who want to start working with Wasm. Bridge to folks being able to use wasmCloud applications in existing environments.
  • wasmCloud Wednesday live demo: Tune into the recording to see the wasmCloud Operator in action.
  • Watch out for several new features coming through in the next few weeks. We'd also love to hear from youβ€”if you have any feedback we want to hear it!
  • There was a much broader discussion around the ramifications of the wasmCloud Operator. Check out the recording below.

UPDATE: wasi-cloud​

  • We are driving effort around wasi-cloud interfaces. Keep an eye on wasmCloud Slack and drop thoughts and ideas as they come through.

    • Runtime config - making 1 change.
    • Key-Value.
    • Blobstore.
    • Messaging.

UPDATE: Brand new OCI Specification​

  • This will be a standard way of storing Wasm-based artifacts. Final vote 2 weeks from now, brought to Wasm Working Group April.


  • 0.2.1 update due.
  • Semantic versioned released for WASI are a focus for the ByteCode Alliance.

Where we'll be…

April 16 - 18 Taylor will present at Open Source Summit NA. Check out his talk: Mind the Gap Between the Future and the Present taking place 16th April, 12:15pm - 12:55pm PT. If you're going to be there, let him know.

Listen in…

  • Cloud Native Wasm Day recordings are now live! Great to see the wasmCloud community on stage!
  • Bailey joined Matt Butcher and industry analyst Dustin Kirkland on theCube (SiliconAngle) during KubeCon + CloudNativeCon to talk all things WebAssembly, take a look.
  • Check out the Arm Developer Podcast where Bailey and Liam discussed the intersection of Wasm and GPU technologies.
  • Cosmonic CTO Bailey Hayes met Chris Matteson (Fermyon) and Oscar Spencer (F5 NGINX) on the panel at the latest Kubernetes meetup in New York. They explored the Wasm what's, why's, standards and considerations when adoption. The recording is live!
  • Listen in to the last WasmEdge community meeting where Bailey Hayes talks all things WASI 0.2 and we hear from the students of the University of Tokyo on some cool new projects.
  • Bailey was a guest on a recent Rancher Live podcast with Divya Mohan. Tune in for a deep dive into WASI 0.2!
