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Community Meeting - 2024-03-13


  • DEMO + DISCUSSION: wasmCloud 1.0.0-alpha.1
  • DISCUSSION: Actor -> Component
  • DISCUSSION: Roadmap check-in
  • DISCUSSION: Upcoming conferences

Meeting Notes​

DEMO + DISCUSSION: wasmCloud 1.0.0-alpha.1​

  • We are so close! This is the last community call before we travel to Europe for WASM I/O and KubeCon EU. We just cut an Alpha version of wasmCloud 1.0. You can can see progress in the wasmCloud repo under releases and take a look at some of the key issues.
  • A huge thank you to Roman, Victor, Brooks, and the entire team for getting us to this point.
  • Also, a huge thank you to our contributors old and new, what a release to come in on.
  • So what has all this work been for?
    • To get to this point there were a certain level of changes that had to happen to wasmCloud to allow us to make all the changes for 1.0.
    • We decided to work in a feature branch—made a huge number of changes ad PRs and wanted to protect the main branch by-and-large.
    • We don't think we'll do this again—it was necessary at a certain moment but, as we approach 1.0, we will not see any major additional changes of this kind.
    • All remaining work will proceed in main.
    • You can review progress in the repo.
  • The reason we are putting out an Alpha is there is still a need to update 'wash' and 'wadm'. we have a ton of internal changes to make to the protocol which require us to cut an Alpha to test.
  • Alpha = there may be some minor changes before 1.0.
  • When we move from Alpha to Release Candidate this will be the community's opportunity to test.
  • Please listen in to the recording for Brooks' demo and discussion—there's only so much we can cover in notes.

Q: Jochen: We wrote an actor in Smithy and we, ideally, to be presenting what's coming and what's new but it's tricky to adopt right now - what's the strategy to present in the coming days as we wait?

  • Recommend using 0.82 because it's similar to getting 1.0 out - you can functionally update to WIT from Smithy, but as WIT and our final wash updates are nearly there. We can work with you on what's coming and how to manage that.
  • We may well look at a Smithy-WIT migration guide. If you think that might be useful, please let us know.

Question: Actor vs Component​

  • In our docs and tools we're going to rename instances of 'actor' to either component or wasmCloud component.
  • You may remember discussing this before - we noted that an actor was a special thing because, in order for it to run in wasmCloud and it needs to use wasmCloud interfaces.
  • That's not the case any longer; we do support all wasm components and so we'll make this transition as we componentize. The aim—accuracy and removing any sense of opinionization.

DISCUSSION: Roadmap check-in​

  • Still working to get the last tasks in the wRPC MVP - we're nearly there. GitHub.
  • Update wadm and wash to use the new interface APIs is priority.
  • WIT-ify everything.
  • Please do let us know if you have any questions on the roadmap in the community Slack channel.

DISCUSSION: Upcoming conferences​

  • It's WASM I/O this week and KubeCon + CloudNativeCon next week so we're on the road!
  • We'll be at Cosmonic Booth K37 at KubeCon and we'll have our usual wasmCloud project booth in the projects pavilion on the afternoon of Day 1!

Where we'll be…​

Listen in…​

  • Check out the Arm Developer Podcast where Bailey and Liam discussed the intersection of Wasm and GPU technologies.
  • Cosmonic CTO Bailey Hayes met Chris Matteson (Fermyon) and Oscar Spencer (F5 NGINX) on the panel at the latest Kubernetes meetup in New York. They explored the Wasm what's, why's, standards and considerations when adoption. The recording is live!
  • Listen in to the last WasmEdge community meeting where Bailey Hayes talks all things WASI 0.2 and we hear from the students of the University of Tokyo on some cool new projects.
  • Bailey was a guest on a recent Rancher Live podcast with Divya Mohan. Tune in for a deep dive into WASI 0.2!
