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October 4, 2023


  • DISCUSSION: WASI-fills newness.
  • DISCUSSION: Versions in wasmCloud documentation. Would like to determine what a "version" is for the wasmCloud project.
  • DISCUSSION: Hacktoberfest! 🎃

Meeting Notes

UPDATE: WASI-fills Newness - Taylor

  • Much is moving fast in the world of Wasifills - here's an up-to-the minute update on what's new.
  • In the Rust ecosystem cargo components are stabilising - allowing you to select and swap different components.
  • Roman had the exciting idea to dynamically generate Wasifills on the fly! 🤯
  • Because Wasm modules have their interface definitions embedded, we are able to look at what an actor is importing and exporting and, therefore, dynamically generate stubs.
  • MessagePack is commonly used to send messages back and forth.
  • WASI plugins are the future but, right now we're enabling you to write your components the host will dynamically generate the stubs to carry out the serialisation on the fly.
  • Depending on how all this experimentation goes, we will update the Wasifill RFC with this new functionality.
  • If we get this working NONE of this has to be in wash. A hopeful future - let's see how this goes.
  • Tune in next week to (hopefully) see this in action.

DISCUSSION: Hacktoberfest! 🎃

  • 10th year of Digital Ocean's event. brings together open source maintainers who are eligible to designate their open source project for Hacktoberfest.
  • All you need to do is to close or have 4 approved pull requests on GitHub or GitLab.
  • One you have this, DigitalOcean will plant a tree on your behalf and send you a nice virtual badge.
  • All you need to do if you want to partake is sign up on the website.
  • On the wasmCloud side we'll designate our good issues and some stretch issues with the goal to lower the barrier to people are getting started in Wasm.
  • It officially starts tomorrow at 11am EDT.

DISCUSSION: Versions in wasmCloud documentation. What is a "version" is for the wasmCloud project.

  • We use Docusaurus to manage our documentation. It has a load of different features - including the 'version' feature.
  • If you're using a specific version of Docusaurus, you can change the posture of the information you see. It will be really important to designate between versions of documentation.
  • For example, wasmCloud is not just one entity - it's comprised of the versions of wash, wadm etc. you're currently using.
  • Kevin's view: the newest version of docs really is all that matters. Old stuff is deprecated. Concurrent supported releases - where they are different enough to have sep docs. Until we have something like that, this could be overkill at this stage.
  • Yordis: tags - old versus new. Easy to discern.
  • Takeaway: We plan to be clear when we introduce new functionality in new versions to indicate that in the documentation for a time, but we do not plan to preserve multiple versions of documentation at this time.

Don't forget to check in on the latest wasmCloud roadmap and join the conversation in the wasmCloud Slack channel.
