July 26, 2023
- DEMO: wit provider nats-messaging from Taylor
- DISCUSSION: wadm wasmCloud introduction, 0.5.0 roadmap
Meeting Notes
Status update - moving to WIT
- Background; we have a new PR in the wasmCloud/wasmCloud repo around capability provider SDKs for Wasm providers - specifically for generating them with wit IDL interfaces.
- Visit this interesting PR if you want to see the codegen behind the wasmCloud SDK PR.
- This focus exemplifies our drive from Smithy to wit.
- If you'd like to see the example of the provider SDK, you can look at Taylor's repo https://github.com/thomastaylor312/nats-messaging-wit for nats messaging with wit. This is using the new repo for providers. you can take a look and see the messaging contract.
- Actors can make requests and publish operations.
- From this wit messaging interface there is a world - we'll cover worlds in future weeks.
- The real benefit is the new code is really simple - we instantiate a new handler and, for each of the ops you can invoke, there is a trait and the method can be implemented by a specific capability provider.
- As we move forward, we will look to change wasmCloud 1st party providers.
- Roman created an issue milestone in the wasmcloud/wasmcloud repo witify. Using all wit contracts for all capability providers and contracts, Roman has outlined a couple of small tasks to get to this milestone.
- All the functionality of wasi-cloud will be integrated into wasmCloud, and custom contracts will work with wasifills.
- Watch the recording for a longer discussion on this subject and catch Taylor's demo at the next meeting.
DISCUSSION: wadm wasmCloud introduction, 0.5.0 roadmap
- We started cutting alpha for Wadm 0.5. These are new features that are minor breaking changes so we're cutting an early release.
- Multi-tenant flag fixes. Multi-tenant mode allows a Wadm instance to monitor multiple lattices.
- There is a wasmCloud in production guide under the wadm section - talks through the process of working with NATS clusters.
- Couple of issues we'd like to get into 0.5 release candidate:
- Logic to validate manifests. When we put a manifest together for a new app we should be able to do some validation within Wadm itself.
- Dynamic status view: status view is static right now - change to allow us to see if our Wadm app is fully-deployed, failed etc.
- Support version upgrades: you can't set up an app in Wadm then upgrade your version Wadm...yet. Wadm currently does a simple comparison of public keys and requires manual stop. We'd love for Wadm to be able to handle upgrades.
- Brooks will have a more fulsome demo in the coming weeks.
- If you're interested in contributing to Wadm we have a couple of issues that are marked as good first issues.
- Liam has created a helpful digest of two fantastic events we'd love to see you at! The Linux Foundation's new WebAssembly conference, WasmCon, and the Bytecode Alliance's 'Componentize the World!' Hackathon