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Community Meeting - 2023-04-12


Meeting Notes

wadm progress report

  • wadm is progressing very nicely, with a ton of work going in over the past few weeks into the Rust rewrite + restructure
  • The Actor spread scaler is fully implemented
  • The ability for users to deploy and undeploy manifests is fully implemented
  • Essentially, what's left is managing providers, link definitions, some e2e testing, and integration with wash

Golang merging wasip1

  • Exciting news as Golang merges wasip1 support, so you can build WASI modules with GOOS=wasip1 GOARCH=wasm go build, coming in Go 1.21
  • The Wasm support differs slightly from TinyGo but with go 1.22 the support will be the same
  • We'll be closely watching this develop as they formalize the way you import and export functions to see if we can use Go for wasmCloud actors
