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· 5 min read

wasmcloud header

As core contributors and maintainers of the popular CNCF project, wasmCloud, we’re excited to work towards the next major milestone in the evolution of this awesome community platform. In the next couple of posts, we’ll take a look back at how far we’ve come, and look ahead to what we can expect from wasmCloud 1.0; our standards-led, production-ready release due to be unveiled in early 2024.

· 4 min read

from wasmcloud specific dependencies to zero dependencies

wasmCloud now comes with experimental support for Go, via TinyGo compiler, taking full advantage of the WebAssembly component model. This is an exciting moment as, for the first time, Go developers can build cloud native Wasm applications with components and run them in wasmCloud in an open, dependency-free and standards-based way.

· 2 min read


This year, wasmCloud is getting into the spooky spirit by participating in Hacktoberfest! Our primary development repositories all feature the hacktoberfest topic. Whether you’re interested in your first open source contribution, learning Rust for the first time, getting involved with a WebAssembly project or seasoned in all of the above, you’re invited to participate!

· 4 min read


We're a big fan of bumping minor versions here at wasmCloud. When we released our first version of the Elixir/OTP host, we bumped from 0.18.0 to 0.50.0 just to make it extra clear that this was a big change. Today, we're making a similar bump to 0.78.0, and this blog post will explain why.

· 8 min read

abstract interaction pattern shapes

The first thing people need to learn when encountering WebAssembly for the first time is how to interact with the code inside the module. There are a number of patterns available for this and, in this blog post, I'll cover the main three: Command, Reactor, and Library.

· 7 min read

map - zoom in for easter eggs

When we model data structures and encode business logic into our applications, we generally use either a functional programming model or an object-oriented one. In a single process, this choice can be a matter of personal preference, but in distributed systems this choice can actually have significant impact.

· 3 min read

lego bridge

The world of WebAssembly (Wasm) runtimes has evolved quickly over the last couple of years. In this short update, we'll cover the factors that drove us to transition to Wasmtime as the most natural choice to underpin wasmCloud.

· 6 min read

map - zoom in for easter eggs

We should always plan to take advantage of the benefits and clarity offered by hindsight, reflection, and learning from what came before. In this post, we take a look back at where we started, where we've been, and take a peek at where we're going.